XG - Woke Up [5th Single]
Physical album does not come with PCs. The only PCs are POBs
I will update with more detailed previews once they’re available
Any slight price variation is from certain sites using different currencies (Yen, Won, USD)
This order will close on 5/15 @ 6pm PDT
Physical album does not come with PCs. The only PCs are POBs
I will update with more detailed previews once they’re available
Any slight price variation is from certain sites using different currencies (Yen, Won, USD)
This order will close on 5/15 @ 6pm PDT
Physical album does not come with PCs. The only PCs are POBs
I will update with more detailed previews once they’re available
Any slight price variation is from certain sites using different currencies (Yen, Won, USD)
This order will close on 5/15 @ 6pm PDT